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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Film Series

The NPES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Film Series extends key aspects of our curriculum to a broader audience including parents, students, faculty, our local community, and other schools, enabling NPES to contribute to important conversations about our city’s well-being. We value multiculturalism and diverse perspectives in our classrooms, and teach how differences can enrich our community, deepen learning, and promote a more equitable and just society.

Among recent filmmakers to host screenings and conversations at NPES are André Robert Lee (The Road to Justice), Josh Chuck (Chinatown Rising), Krys Kornmeier (Normal Isn’t Real, and NPES Alumni parent, Greg Jacobs (The Road Up). As a school that has demonstrated a strong commitment to the arts since its founding, a film series seemed the perfect vehicle for this work. Please enjoy some photos from past gatherings.

Be sure to check back in the fall for the new schedule of our DEI Film Series.